Giving Time to ourselves (everyday)

POST AUTHOR- TYDS Siddhesh Verlekar

Our society places a high value on speed,  and we often rush through our days like a  scalpel through butter. The truth is that you  should always make time for oneself in  order to connect with your inner self,  relieve tension and stress, and unwind and  jot down your thoughts. But how are you  going to accomplish it? Here are some  pointers to assist you in getting started.

Prioritize tasks 

When you are really busy, it is extremely tough  to find time for oneself. But there is a solution,  and that solution is prioritisation. Begin by  establishing priorities and tackling the most  difficult things first. Once you get into the habit of  doing this, you'll find it much easier to handle all  of your tasks, which will make things a lot easier  to manage in the long run.

Delegate tasks 

Tasks can also be delegated or outsourced. You  will be able to set aside some time for yourself in  this manner. It's a great idea since it takes away  your worries and allows you to concentrate on  having a much better time. It's obviously a  challenge, but the payoff can be incredible. Also,  learn to say No; this will help you de-stress your  schedule and allow you to devote more time to  yourself. 

Take some mini-breaks during the day 

You should arrange time for yourself during  these breaks, whether it's for meditation,  journaling, stretching, deep breathing, or  something else. It's quite beneficial, and you'll be  pleased with the results and benefits. 

Step away from your phone 

Let's face it, many of us spend a significant  amount of time on our phones, particularly on 

social media. Shutting down your phone and  computer and focusing on what you enjoy can be  quite beneficial. It simply makes it simpler to de stress and have fun, and at the end of the day,  everyone is happy, which is the most important  thing. 

Work out 

A decent workout programme might really assist  you in carving out time for yourself. You can  listen to music or listen to an audiobook as you  work out. It appears to be a fantastic idea, and  you will be quite pleased with the outcome. You  get to keep healthy and happy while also doing  things you enjoy. 

Get creative 

Using your imagination to accomplish something  can also let you spend more time doing activities  you enjoy. Crafting and DIY projects, for  example, can be enjoyable. You could play video  games or colour adult colouring books, for 

example. All of them are excellent suggestions;  all you have to do now is choose what works best  for you and make the most of this opportunity. 

All of these pointers will come in handy if you  want to start devoting more time to yourself.  Remember that you can always manage your  tasks while still finding time to do the activities  you enjoy. We encourage putting these  strategies and ideas to the test; they're certainly  worth a shot and have the ability to make a  significant difference in your life!

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