Will Artificial Intelligence replace human beings?


        In 21st century AI is growing to be superior to humans in many tasks. There's nothing that can't soon be automated. . For years we have been warned that artificial intelligence is sweeping the globe. PwC predicts that by 2030, up to 30% of self-employed jobs. CBS News equipment reports they can replace 40% of the world's workforce within 15 to 25 years. 

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 

Artificial Intelligence (AI), the science of making human-like machines intelligen. It has the ability of a machine (computer) to mimic the processes of the human mind. It has skills such as Planning, Comprehension, Learning experience, Visualization, Decision making, Problem solving.By mimicking these skills, machines can perform such human-like actions.

Examples of AI in everyday life 

Although Artificial Intelligence still sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, AI has already begun to be widely used in our daily lives. Think of the following AI examples that you have heard about or used for yourself: 

• Web search engine: Google 

• Recommendation systems: The one that recommends show on Netflix. 

• Understanding human speech: Alexa, Siri. 

• Self-driving cars: Driving a Tesla without real driving. 

AI is everywhere even in our smartphones, voice assistants, communication platform, GPS navigator 

Reasons Why AI Won’t Replace Humans:

1. AI-based machines lack emotional intellect: Emotional Intellect is something we can be proud of. We can express feelings and read people quickly. Without personal communication businesses can end up losing customers. Have you ever heard that soft skills, like communication and relationship building, are more important in the workplace today than technical skills? Artificial Intelligence systems are fast, intelligent, and accurate. They have no vision, empathy, or cultural empathy. And, it is exactly these abilities that humans possess, and which make us effective 

2. AI cannot think creatively: Everything AI currently does with (robots, internet, chatbots) is programmed into a machine, which means it can't think for itself without the code or have a conscience. This is the real limit to what AI can do as it can deviate from established commands or create its own system. Because AI technology comes from something else. It cannot think of the situation itself; you must give it a predetermined item. Companies recognize the true power of AI to enhance the skills of their employees by changing duplicate, error-free, manual and intelligent automation solutions. 

3. People can build relationships, while AI will not be able to do it: Many things are built on relationships. We have to deal and collaborate with different people. Moreover, while working in groups most of us show better results as individuals. Moreover, according to many studies, teams show the best and most effective results. Relationships also help us find partners and customers, as people often work with people they love. But this emotional aspect of our conduct is far from ideal. 

4. People can show empathy, while AI can never show it: We can share our feelings: joy, happiness, sadness, gratitude, hope, kindness. The list of all kinds of feelings that people experience is almost endless. And we can’t imagine AI showing all the expressions and learning other people’s feelings better than one can do. AI-based machines can mimic human speech, but they are insensitive and lose that human touch. 

5. AI cannot think outside the box with their code: Nowadays, AI cannot find creative ways to solve various problems that arise because their code does not allow it. Robots are programmed to work within their framework. It may be that one day the machine will be able to think for itself, but in the real world, this will not be achieved anytime soon.


Conclusion : 

Can we be replaced? 

No matter how many advances we see in the wider application of AI, it is not possible for AI to replace human ingenuity. Let's not forget that we are the ones who build the machines, no matter how much the machine can imitate humans but they can not be human. But just because computers can't do this right now does not mean it will always be impossible. This is still one of the major issues regarding AI today. “AI Should Augment Human Intelligence, Not Replace It".

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