SingularityNet- AI with BlockChain


        Have we ever thought of Combining the brain power of millions of people with ascending technologies to dynamically predict the future events before they happen? Real time Deja vu?? Science fiction or reality? Artificial intelligence has casted itself as the main lead of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT, but what if we say we are moving towards a world where AI employing with its machine learning and rapid developing habitat clubs with another marketplace boasting its way up to the peak - the Blockchain technology.

Artificial Intelligence and it’s Future Revolution

        AI space is developing very fast year by year taking huge leaps with passing tremendous time. The first AI revolution has happened which we think of it is that today we live in a world where a lot of AI's perform a lot of specialized functions very well on a daily basis, so introducing the technology bringing about the varied changes with AI being rolled out pretty much in every branch of industry behind many software products and hardware devices this would pass as the narrow AI description of the first revolution.

        On the other hand there's still a few things missing, and filling out these guts is going to bring the next AI revolution. One of the major missing out area in the field of AI is its General Intelligence:- that is the ability to generalize knowledge from one set of data or one narrow sort of experience to a fundamentally different domain and different set of problem. Another thing that's missing is the coordination of the many different narrow AI's better out there, each AI lives in its world  by itself  they don't share knowledge  to combine them together and the third issue which is not  technical one but somewhat that of a social one is that AI is overwhelmingly being deployed to solve problems that big tech companies can make money including the military can extract a lot of uses from the various applications that could benefit everyone starting from a layman to military personals. It is believed that the next revolution of AI is going to solve these problems it’s going to bring more general intelligence, it’s going to coordinate and connect many different special AI's together and it'll enable AI to be applied for broader and greater diversity of beneficial applications.

SingularityNet and How it Works

        This draws us to SingularityNet project that aims to solve all these three problems in one fell swoop: SingularityNet is an ambitious blockchain-driven AI marketplace that started running on Ethereum. Singularity Net authorizes developers to publish and legitimize their AI algorithms easily with its public API and decentralized marketplace. Woah Woah!! too many huge words to comprehend enough?? Let’s break them up and understand one by one.

        The essence of what block chain gives us here is decentralization it’s the ability to create decentralized network of AI's in which anyone can post an AI online enabling their AI to participate the decentralized network activities. When a user needs AI as a service to get into the nitty gritty of their website business software they can send out a request into the sole decentralized network and can find agents that are willing to do the job they need done. This entire procedure can operate without any central controller but one can still have exchange of economic values and can have knowing of who is who and the sum of reputation certain ions as being good enough to trade and other being not good.

        The concept of SingularityNet is that it’s an open market for AI's but that does entail a lot of complexities because selling an AI is more complicated than chose or stock image files. Since AI's are capable of doing multiple tasks so to have an open market loaded with such AI's requires different interfaces to them including the API's and their programming interfaces as these technologies are in constant mode of change. these grouped AI's can outsource work to each other as well as to end users outside of the network and then there's AI sharing data and making requests with each other in complex patterns and in this way this network of AI's connects together to become a sort of ‘META AI’ like an economy of minds, that in some ways its itself a mind. The beauty of blockchain enables to set up this up as the purely decentralized protocol. SingularityNet not only allows one to share but even the different nodes running in the decentralized diverse network. Anyone can start running a node on Singularity Net, known as an AI agent in the network.

        AI agents implement smart contracts that can autonomously interact with other agents to exchange data and furnish results. blockchain here deals with decentralized management activities like security, identity verification, reputation and ratings etc. it also deals with payment of services using its own custom cryptographic token AGI tokens, so if one AI agent pays another for providing it with some other AI service like answering a question or summarizing a document that payment for that AI service is done via AGI token.


        Ultimately, the goal is to lay the substratum for a “global brain". Singularity Net situates a prestige system laying out the postulates in what way the governance and economics work on its chain to keep and assess all authorities in check. As AI & Big Data markets continue to dilate, Singularity Net has created various solutions to cater to the needs of industries such as finance, healthcare manufacturing, and more placing them in a good status to capture a share of the market.

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